Demonstrating Meaningful Use – Medication Allergy List

Objective: Maintain active medication allergy list.
Measure: More than 80 percent of all unique patients seen by the EP have at least one entry (or an indication that the patient has no known medication allergies) recorded as structured data.
Exclusion: No exclusion.
Full Details: PDF

See video below on the medication allergy list:


Chances are, you already ask your patients if they have any known medication allergies, so this requirement, just like the medication list, will simply be a modification of what you do with that information.  This is a requirement that office support staff can help with-just make sure you review their work.

The medication allergy list is located on the left side of the patient chart.

If the patient has no known allergies, simply check the box on the upper right that says “No Allergies”.  Patients with no known allergies are easy.  You are done at this point.  However, if the patient does have known allergies, continue on to the next steps.

If the patient does have allergies, click the “Add Allergy” button to begin documenting the allergy.

Begin by clicking “Select Drug” to bring up the medication search.

Begin typing the name of the medication you are looking for.  Once you see it in the list, click on its name and click the “Select” button.

To document the reaction, select the appropriate reaction from the Reaction drop down and click the green plus button.  You can select multiple reactions using the same process.  On this screen you can also document when the patient first learned of their reaction, as well as record any notes that may be pertinent.  Click the “Save” button when you have completed documenting the allergy.

The patient’s allergy will now show up in the allergy list.  Simply follow the same process to add any other medication allergies the patient has.

Demonstrating Meaningful Use – Medication List

Objective: Maintain active medication list.
Measure: More than 80 percent of all unique patients seen by the EP have at least one entry (or an indication that the patient is not currently prescribed any medication) recorded as structured data.
Exclusion: No exclusion.
Full Details: PDF

See video below on the medication list:


Chances are, you already ask your patients if they are currently taking any medications, so this requirement will simply be a modification of what you do with that information.  This is a requirement that office support staff can help with just make sure you review their work.

The Medication List is located on the left side of the patient chart.

If the patient is not currently taking any medications, simply check the “No Medications” box.

If the patient is currently taking medications, click the “Add Medication” button to add the patient’s medications to their Medication List.

To begin documenting the patient’s medications click the “Select Medication” button to bring up the medication search.

Begin typing the medication’s brand name or primary ingredient into the search box.  Once you see the medication you are looking for come up, click on its name and click the “Select” button.

Once you have the medication selected, you can include additional information about the patient’s medication, such as who prescribed it, when they started taking it, and any instructions they have been given by the prescriber. Note: a Start Date is required.

Finish entering the remainder of their medications and on subsequent visits, verify that the patient’s Medication List is up to date.